What you need to know about Cosmetic Tattooing

What is Cosmetic Tattooing?

Cosmetic Tattooing - also referred to as PMU (Permanent Makeup) - is an advanced cosmetic procedure performed by professional artists in a controlled environment to help clients enhance or modify their existing features to achieve a desired look. These enhancements are predominantly applied to brows, lips and eyeliner.

Why Cosmetic Tattoos?

In recent years, Cosmetic Tattoos have evolved significantly and is fast becoming a popular choice for women and men to:

  • correct or enhance a natural feature;
  • cover up an existing scar or flaw;
  • boost self-esteem and confidence; or
  • simply save time by eliminating the need for daily makeup application and touch-ups throughout the day

What is the procedure for Cosmetic Tattooing? How is it applied?

A PMU Artist requires years of experience and knowledge, a creative eye for detail and most importantly, the ability to transform a desire into a reality for their clients. 

Step 1: Customer Consultation: The first step to achieving the best possible Cosmetic Tattoo is in fact Consultation; This is essentially a discovery process for the artist to determine firstly, the Clients eligibility for the procedure – such as medical, personal or environmental conditions etc – and secondly, what desired look the Client is hoping to achieve.

Step 2: Design: The second step takes the design discovery process to the next level by giving the Client a somewhat real-life indication at how a Cosmetic Tattoo can transform their appearance. The initial design is carefully ‘mapped out’ on the Clients face using a Wax Makeup Pencil followed by further refining in consultation with the Client until the final design is achieved. This design will remain on the Clients face to act as a template/guide for the tattoo.

Step 3: Tattoo: The PMU Artist locks in the design by using either a manual tattoo pen or machine to apply colour/ink (also known as ‘pigment’) to the Clients upper skin layer (known as the dermis). This step - as per the ‘Design’ step - also includes final refinements and touch ups until the intended design is met.

The Cosmetic Tattoo application method varies to Body Tattoos where the pigment is injected deeper into the skin.

Approximately half of the procedure is dedicated to the Tattoo alone though this can vary depending on the client.

Step 4: Aftercare: Each step is just as important as the other and After-care is no exception. We all love homework and the Client will receive their very own Aftercare homework following their procedure.

Aftercare includes several steps and guidelines to not only care for your fresh tattoo but also ensure the tattoo is given the best opportunity for retention.

Step 5: Colour Boost: Whilst the ‘PMU’ name suggests permanent, a Cosmetic Tattoo will begin to fade anywhere from 1-3 years (depending on the PMU Artist and products used). As such, a Colour Boost is recommended to keep the tattoo looking fresh and also address any required changes the Client may request.

Why Tham Vo Studio?

Cosmetic Tattoos cannot be rushed and one size most certainly does not fit all.

At Tham Vo Studio, we consider many factors prior to commencing the procedure to ensure effective application and tattoo retention. The consultation and design process is just as important as the application procedure itself and must be completed collaboratively with the client.

We have performed countless procedures spanning over 6 years and we pride ourselves on quality over quantity with our client reviews and testimonials speaking for themselves. Any form of tattoo enhancement, body or cosmetic, is a big decision and must be considered carefully. Research and consultation are key! 

For more information, booking and consultation details please visit www.thamvo.com.au.




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